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Personal, Social, Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education, (PSHE/RSE) aims to provide children with skills and confidence so that they learn to manage themselves and situations throughout education and later on in adult life. It is important that children leave Wells Primary School not only with high standards in academic subjects such as literacy, maths and science but also with a positive sense of self and the ability to demonstrate care and compassion towards others. PSHE/RSE aims to teach children how to make reasoned and well-thought-out judgements; to be a team member; to demonstrate the ability to think and learn with others; to keep themselves and others safe; and finally, to be creative and forward-thinking in their approaches to a wide variety of situations.

Our PSHE/RSE curriculum follows the National Curriculum and covers a range of issues from decision-making in Key Stage 1 to hygiene in Key Stage 2. Our PSHE/RSE curriculum encourages children to think critically and be creative and inspires them to have a voice.

Running throughout our PSHE/RSE curriculum are the British Values of Democracy, The rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual respect and Tolerance and respect for all.  At Wells, we hold these values very high, and they are embedded across all curriculum subjects.