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SEND and Inclusion

My name is Giselle Christodoulou, and I am the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) and member of the senior leadership team (SLT) at Wells Primary School.  Class teachers, support staff, and SLT work together so that all children with SEND are included in every aspect of school life. We strive to ensure that pupils with SEND have equal access to high quality teaching and learning approaches that meet their individual needs.
I, the headteacher and SEN governor, ensure SEND policy and practice is reviewed regularly, in line with the local authority’s agreed guidelines and the SEN Code of Practice (2014). We know each child well and this, alongside our assessment arrangements, helps us to identify children with additional needs and provide early support, which is carefully monitored and tracked. All pupils identified as having SEND receive support in school in line with our SEND Policy. Parent/carer and pupil contributions are valued and central to all review meetings, and we use a pupil-centred approach to record the progress and provision for each pupil with SEND.
As a school, we benefit from access to a range of specialist support from external agencies, including the Special Education and Training Support Service (SEATSS), health services, and educational psychology team. This ensures that those pupils who are more vulnerable receive the support they need, and that staff at Wells are able to deliver programmes and interventions with confidence.
We pride ourselves on our links with other schools and the local community. To ensure best outcomes for all our pupils we work hard to build strong partnerships with parents and carers. I have an ‘open door’ policy to pupils and staff at school, and offer the same to parents. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns in relation to your child.

Giselle Christodoulou