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Getting involved

Children thoroughly enjoy sharing their learning with their families, and parents/carers are regularly invited into school to celebrate their child's achievements.  We also offer regular workshops to support parents with their child's learning.

We are very proud of the strong partnerships that we have developed with our parents and carers. We believe that in order to provide the best possible outcomes for children, it is essential that we work together.

Parents and carers are encouraged to come into school to help in the classrooms, to assist on educational visits, to help with extra-curricular school clubs or to share their expertise in a particular field. For safeguarding purposes, regular volunteers are required to have a DBS identification check. See below for a list of acceptable identification documents required for the check.

Parents/carers’ consultation appointments take place in October and in February however teachers are happy to speak with parents/carers at other times too. Our philosophy is that it is always best to discuss any anxieties as soon as they arise.

Achievement Assemblies

Regular Achievement Assemblies are held throughout the year, usually on a Friday, when children receive certificates for demonstrating excellence or significant improvement in a particular area. Outstanding achievements made outside of school may be recognised in these assemblies too. Parents and carers are invited to attend assemblies when their child’s achievements are being celebrated.

Class Assemblies

From Year 1, each class produces two class assemblies per year when pupils share their learning in front of the school. All pupils are expected to participate to encourage them to develop self-confidence and to improve their presentation skills.

Exhibition Evening

In the summer term, the school is open for parents and carers to view samples of work of pupils throughout the school. This enables parents/carers to get an insight into the progression of learning that takes place during primary school. Various displays and presentations are also organised. This is always a popular evening when children proudly show off their best work; they also like to show off the rest of the school!

Learning workshops for parents and carers

We have steadily increased and improved upon our learning workshops, taking into account the feedback we receive from parents and carers.

Our reading and phonics workshops are especially popular with the lower part of the school whilst the maths strategy workshops always attract a good number of parents from both Key Stages. Where possible, we organise both day-time and evening sessions to accommodate both working and non-working parents and carers.

We also host Parenting Classes organised and led by the Redbridge Institute of Adult Education.  

Here at Wells Primary we actively encourage volunteer support within the learning environment. This may involve hearing readers in the class, supporting a small group or helping the class teacher with administration or displays. Any help that a parent or carer can give to our children is greatly appreciated! 

Volunteering in school

We are always seeking additional help in school for a range of activities such as helping in class or with clubs. We like to have parents in school to share their expertise or special interests, for example parent s who work in the field of health care are well-placed to share their knowledge about healthy lifestyles. Similarly, some parents may be able to contribute to an assembly about a particular festival.

All adult volunteers working within the school environment on a regular basis must complete a DBS check. Our school leaflet ‘Guide to Being a Classroom Volunteer’ contains lots of useful information about being a volunteer in our setting. 

Parent Governors 

Every school has some governors who are elected by the parent body. Governors are in post for four years. Parent Governor elections are organised by the school when a vacancy arises and parents are informed of the election procedure.

Parents’ Association 

Wells has a thriving parents’ group who work hard to raise additional funds for the school and to help build community spirit. The PTA organises activities such as the summer and Christmas fairs, quiz evenings and children’s bingo nights. In addition, they provide refreshments at workshops and pupil intake evenings. The PTA is open to everyone and newcomers are made to feel very welcome.