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Term Time Absence

Reporting pupil Absence

If your child cannot attend school due to an illness you should contact the school on the first day of absence and provide a letter explaining the absence on the child’s return to school. If your child is likely to be absent for more that two or three days, please keep in touch with the school to let us know how your child is getting along. 

If you would like to take your child out of school during term time, you should speak with the head teacher as there is very little flexibility for taking children out of school during term time. Holidays during term-time will not be authorised.

Please refer to the school’s Attendance Policy for further details.
In July you will receive your child's report, this will contain attendance information for both authorised and unauthorised absences. An example of an authorised absence would be for sickness or for religious observance.

Dates for school holidays are set by the local authority although schools have the flexibility to choose when the additional five staff training days will be arranged. These are usually at the beginning or end of a school holiday although some may be organised for other times. Parents are expected to arrange holidays within these dates

Term Time Absence

Here at Wells we actively encourage the children to understand the importance of attending school every day.  Should you require your child to take time off during term time due to reasons other than sickness a Request for Leave of Absence form must be completed.

Pupils attend school for a maximum 190 days each academic year.  Full attendance is vital for your child’s educational progress.  The school regards absence as a very serious concern and it is a proven fact there is a clear link between poor attendance at school and lower academic achievement. (Department for Education (DfE),2012).

The DfE (2013) state that leave of absence requests for holidays should not be granted. The school will only grant leave in term time in the most exceptional circumstances for which evidence will be requested.  Request for leave during term time must be applied for in advance. Leave taken without the permission of the Headteacher will be recorded as unauthorised and you may be liable to a Penalty Notice fine of £120 per parent, per child (£60 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days).  The fines will be issued by Redbridge Education Welfare Service.

The form can be downloaded below.