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Lunch Times

Lunch Time Arrangements

We believe that lunch time should be an enjoyable experience for children, a time for them to socialise with their friends and enjoy each other's company. This is also a time when staff help to develop pupils' social skills, such as appropriate table manners.

The younger Reception pupils eat first, at 11.50am, as they tend to take longer to eat their food. The Reception staff stay with the children at the beginning of their lunch time to help them settle. Key Stage One pupils have lunch from 12.10pm, Key Stage 2 children from 12.30pm . Lunch time lasts for one hour for the younger pupils and for 50 mins for the older children.

The children may bring in a packed lunch from home or alternatively have a nutritious lunch from our school dinner lunch menu. Our school dinners are prepared by ISS at Coppice Primary School and then transferred to us, however some food, such as pasta and vegetables, is prepared by our school cook.

Below there is a copy of the school lunch menu for the current term.  It is also available on the Information Board outside the dining room.

Although many children opt for a full week of school dinners at a time, it is possible to mix both packed lunch and school dinners within a week.  This is a good way to introduce your child to school dinners.

In the interests of safety, the younger children play in a separate playground from the older pupils at lunch times although some of the older pupils do help in the infant playground. Our midday supervisors work hard to ensure that the children enjoy this free time. High standards of behaviour are expected of the children at play times.  

Below is a link to check to see if your child is eligible for free school meals.  Please take a moment to check as even if you should not wish to take to offer up funding is still allocated to support the school if you are entitled.  Click here for further information.

To register to pay for your child's lunches online click here.