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Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to schools for pupils who meet the following criteria: the number of pupils of statutory school age who are eligible to receive free school meals (FSM); those who have been Looked After by a Local authority for more than six months and also those who are adopted and who are under a Special Guardianship Order. The purpose of the Pupil Premium is to address any inequalities that may be faced by pupils who are eligible for FSM or who are Looked After.  Our pupil premium strategy is reviewed annually in line with our pupils' needs.

School Vision

Wells Primary School is wholly committed to providing an inclusive environment that ensures that all pupils have equal access to teaching and learning opportunities. Expectations of all pupils are high and the school uses the Pupil Premium in a variety of ways to help overcome any barriers to learning.

Pupil Premium funding is allocated according to need analysis and may be used to support individuals, groups or priority classes. In making the best use of the Pupil Premium, the school recognises that not all pupils who are eligible for FSM are socially disadvantaged and that not all pupils who may be deemed to be socially disadvantaged are eligible for FSM. The school will therefore use the Pupil Premium to support any pupil or group of pupils who can be legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.

The figures below are our allocation based on the academic year although funding is received at our Financial Year-end.

  • In 2020/21 the Pupil Premium allocation to Wells Primary School was: £57,000
  • In 2019/20 the Pupil Premium allocation to Wells Primary School was: £55,954
  • In 2018/19 the Pupil Premium allocation to Wells Primary School was: £55,386
  • In 2017/18 the Pupil Premium allocation to Wells Primary School was: £47,972