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School Improvement

We are proud of our school and of the progress and achievements of our pupils. We know that the school has many strengths including:

  • excellent attainment and progress - our SATS results show that children consistently achieve significantly higher than pupils nationally. 
  • excellent behaviour - pupils' behaviour throughout the school is exemplary and enables good learning to take place.  We have very low incidences of bullying and racism. In a recent survey, 100% of parents and carers who responded said that they agreed that children behave well.
  • first-class teaching - the school regularly monitors the performance of its teachers and uses external consultants to validate its findings. Our monitoring includes observing teachers teach, observing teaching asssistants providing support, analysing pupil progress, looking at pupils' books and other work, and examining the learning environment. We also listen to pupils and their parents and carers.  The results of our last parental survey showed that 97% of parents and carers who responded agreed that 'the teaching is good at this school'.
  • committed, caring leaders who have high aspirations for all pupils.  
  • a strong sense of community where pupils, parents, staff and governors work together for the benefit of the children. Pastoral support is strong.
  • a broad and interesting curriculum, a variety of enrichment opportunities and a wide range of clubs and extended services. 

Leaders at Wells Primary School do not rest on their laurels, however, and we are constantly looking at ways to improve the school. Although our pupils achieve very well, we believe that we could improve even further in some areas.

School Development Priorities for 2023-2024