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Admission to Nursery

Admissions Procedure for Nursery

Parents/carers can contact the school once their child has reached the age of two.  Below you will find an application form that you can download, complete and return to the school office. Their name is then put onto a waiting list which is held at the school office. The waiting list is in date of birth order, with the oldest child first.

The waiting list is regularly checked and when places are available letters are sent out to parents/carers offering them a nursery place.

The following will then be sent out to parents/carers at the beginning of May:

  • Offer letter
  • Data collection consent form
  • Early Years Parent Declaration
  • Admissions Form
  • Wells Primary School E-safety agreement

Parents/carers are then given a date by which they have to accept the place offered. If the place is not accepted, it is then offered to the next child on the waiting list.

Google admissions form